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Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Hello my dear friends. 
It has been a while since we updated you on  a progress of our renovation.
We're progressing.. but somewhat slowly. 
We have ran into a few obstacles  and to overcome them requires some time and finances.

As you know we had a garage sale, actually two of them :), The first one we held was very successful and with so much donations and leftovers we decided to host a second one, just one week apart.
Thank you everyone, especially Orangevale neighbors and friends who came to support us :) Hope you enjoyed the Ukrainian food and were able to find a few treasures! God bless you.

Even though it was a great blessing to have some more financial support as a result of the garage sales, we've realized we need to push a little harder to keep the fundraising campaign alive.

We're proud to announce that our CHURCH ROOF FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN  is open as of today Reaching out to your my dear readers. Would you consider supporting us? 
Please watch this video and we would greatly appreciate if you share the link and donate. Every little bit counts.


May God richly bless you


Friday, July 12, 2013


Hello readars

We are inviting all of you to participate in tomorrow CHURCH YARD SALE. We are facing a few challenges to finish the reconstruction work. Making every attempt to raise money and help drive the reconstruction process to the successful completion.

We hope to see you tomorrow during 7am - 3pm garage sale. Monetary donations  are welcomed.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

WALLS ARE UP! Is building walls good or bad?

Nehemiah 2:18 - Then they said, "Let us arise and build." So they put their hands to the good work.

Greetings blog readers!
We have another major update on how our construction has been progressing. You can see the progress from the photos below.

Is building walls good or bad? 

Well, that depends on what kind of wall we build. If we build walls to cut ourselves off from other people so that we can live in self-centered isolation and selfish indulgence, then wall-building is bad. But if we build walls to strengthen our position and to protect ourselves from impending danger, then it is good. Good wall building is the theme of the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.(We suggest to read the first three chapters of Nehemiah) From this book of Scripture we learn that God wants every growing Christian to be involved in spiritual wall building. Nehemiah's record of building the material walls of ancient Jerusalem has a lot to teach us about the building of spiritual walls in the believer's life today.

Every Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), but not every Christian has strong and solid walls. In fact, some Christians are like some of the people in Nehemiah's day--content to live in the midst of broken down walls. How are your spiritual walls? Spiritual wall-building is not easy. It's hard work. There are obstacles and opposition to overcome. There are discouragements and doubts along the way. We see all of these drawbacks at work in the book of Nehemiah. (See especially chapters 4-6.) But the great encouraging truth of the book of Nehemiah is that solid spiritual walls can be built and that God will bless every effort we make to persevere in spiritual wall-building.

What do we mean by "spiritual walls" anyway? Spiritual walls relate to the strength and stability of our Christian testimony. They relate to our capability of defending the faith. They relate to our moral strength in time of temptation. They relate to our ability to separate from the unbiblical values and attitudes of this world's system. Think of a walled city compared with an unwalled city back in the days before modern warfare. The walled city was much stronger and more easily defended. It was known and established because walled cities were not "flash in the pan" settlements. It was plainly visible for miles around. The wall clearly set the city apart from the surrounding countryside.

That's the way the Lord wants us to be. He wants to see strong, solid believers with a testimony that is plainly visible in this dark world. He wants to see Christians with a consistent lifestyle that is distinctly biblical even if it means painful separation from the values and the attitudes of the surrounding world system. Are we committed to a strong and solid wall policy or are we complacently satisfied with living in Rubble City? How can we build solid spiritual walls in our lives? 

Share your thoughts and comments below. We would love to hear from your and that you are of our blog readers

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


As promised, here's the newest update on our renovation.
We're grateful to our Lord that he has given the strength to our brothers in Christ to be able to pour in concrete foundation over the weekend and now they have started on installing the frame for the add-ins in front and on a side. Amazing progress! Glory to our God!

Sharing photos...

Let's talk a little  about FOUNDATION....

            If you have ever asked the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” you will find yourself in the majority.  Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, accidents; all make us wonder why?  Interestingly in John 16:33, Jesus told us that “in this world you will have trouble.”  That’s a promise that no one can escape.  Trouble doesn’t discriminate if you are young or old, if you are rich or poor; it makes no difference what city, country, or even continent you are from.  The Bible promises us that “in this world you WILL have trouble.”

            But the question remains.  Why?  One thing is certain; disasters always show us just how powerless we are in this world. We like to think we are in control.  We think;
“I can find my own peace and harmony”
“I can build a solid marriage with my own power”
“I can control myself so that I won’t pay the price for overindulging in life’s pleasures”
“I have everything under control.”

But the truth is we have far less control of our lives than we think.  Proverbs 16:9 tells us, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

So how do we overcome these disasters?  The answer is, same way a building withstands an earthquake, a floor, or a tsunami.  By making sure our foundation is firm.  Jesus told a story in Matthew 7 about the wise man who built his house on the rock—a foundation of knowing and following God’s Word. Floods and winds could not shake the home built on the rock. However, “everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it." (verses 24-27)

As the foundation for the expansion of our church is poured, we are reminded that this is an investment in our future.  The stone will provide a foundation for the physical building, but more importantly God’s Word will become THE foundation of many hearts and lives.  That is the purpose of this building project.  That is why we ask for your support.  Will you join us?

Share and leave comments to support our bothers and sisters in Christ who are involved in the renovation on a everyday basis... They need your prayer support!


Dear readers
Sorry for not posting last week.
We have great news to share that will be split into two posts

Here are the photos from a  week ago. You can see the progress of how our dear brothers in Christ were working hard  to make it in time for the concrete foundation to be poured in last weekend. Everything has been done for God's glory!! Attaching a lot of photos so you can get a perspective from every angle... of how much work has been done and how much more still needed before our big celebration in November! Calling everyone how feels they can help us in any way: labor, materials, monetary support or other creative resources!!!

 Our Senior Pastor  - Sergey Pochapsky (in red t-shirt) together with other members of the church.

BONUS!! A video shot by our Pastor Sergey Pochapsky to show you how we were preparing for the foundation!! Enjoy and post your comments to support our bothers in sisters involved in the renovation!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

No procrastination. No backward looks.

"no man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God" 
                                                                  Luke 9:62

On May 27, 2013 at 8:00am the prayer has been voiced from the grounds of Spring of Life church asking Lord to guide us through the process and help us from the start to finish.
Senior Pastor, Sergey Pochapsky led everyone in the prayer and encouraged with the Word of God.
On Monday, when most people were celebrating Memorial day and had a day off. 46 of God's servants put everything aside and gathered to break the grounds for a new foundation. It was a  demolition day and the plan to break the current entrance wall to clear a way  for foundation digging. Sharing some photos from that day.

 Historical moment!

Senior  Pastor Sergey Pochapsky reading from the Word of God. Next to him - youth Pastor Vadim Dashkevich


We are thankful to the Lord for keeping everyone safe during the construction and for giving us physical strength. 
We are also reaching out to brothers in sisters in Christ asking for help. If you hear God's voice calling and you're willing to make a monetary donation or with other goods, services or volunteering hours, please reach out to our youth Pastor, Vadim Dashkevich at  916-307-3702. God bless you all!

Monday, June 3, 2013

10 Reasons for Renovation

"...or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"                                                          1 Corinthians 10:31
Hello Everyone!

We're opening this page to document a renovation journey  at Spring of Life Church, Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church, located in Orangevale, California.

We will be posting pictures and posts to record the history of making our church building better as well as building relationships with each other, and unite in one goal - have a better place to gather and worship our Lord!

We have very valid reasons to start this process. Just to list a few:

Our goal is to have the renovation completed by November 2013!

Yes, there are a lot of things to do before we can reach our goal. However, we know that our  God is an awesome God and He will lead and guide us in these plans and we are praying for the resources, labor and physical strength to accomplish our goal.

Here's a quick snapshot to show the before  - the current state of our church and the goal we're trying to reach

We're reaching out for anyone who is able and willing to make monetary donations or help us out with free labor, or other goods and services. See contact information above to reach out or leave your comment under this post.

God bless you!